Sunday, October 19, 2008

Having a Great Afternoon

Oh, this is Maggie she is the Mascot for Barker Street Gourmet Dog Bakery.

As I was driving home from the Pet Fest, I saw this pumpkin patch and decided to take a few pics.....Fall is in the air, glad Summer is over.


There are some of the buildings in Old Town Spring....lots of mom & pop businesses, antique shops, craft stores etc... TRADE DAYS is the 3rd weekend of each month.

These dogs are from PET FEST 2008 in Old Town Spring
There were booths with all kinds of dog supplies, food, baked good, clothing...etc. I even saw several rescue organizations for all kinds of dogs.
Great Pyrenees.....GREAT DOG

This Lab is awesome! I miss my dog!

These two Bassetts were has a man's hat on and the other has a ladies hat....

This is some random dog I saw while at PET FEST 2008 in Old Town Spring.

Back From Bogota

Well, I am back from Bogota in one piece. Both legs of the trip were, most of the passengers went to sleep pretty quickly after we did our beverage/meal services.

OK - here's the scope on Bogota. DON'T GO! One of the FA's that is a speaker said it isn't safe for Americans to travel there. He said that Americans are targeted at the airport and have been known to be kid-knapped and held for ransom or sold to guerilla's for ransom.

This is the second country I have been to that has been unsafe and I am just about over these 3rd world countries.

But, I still wanna go to Buenos Aires, Liberia, Lima, Quito, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Quito. Once I have been to these places....I AM DONE with South America.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Miss and Love ya big time!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bogota Baby!!

Hey everyone,

I have been assigned a 3 day trip to Bogota, Colombia. I fly out tomorrow night at's over night (redeye) and should arrive around 5am. I will be there for 18hrs. I am not sure of how safe it is for Americans to be there, but will let ya know!

IAH was shut done last night due to weather...we had severe storms here for a good portion of the day. I had a Newark overnight...that was 4hrs late because of the weather.

I got to my room at was a long day and a very short night. Was up again @ 8am to catch a flight back to Houston.

Today was my mom's 74th birthday! Happy Birthday Mom! I love ya!

More when I return from Bogota!


Friday, October 10, 2008

My 47th Birthday

Well, that's about it for today. I am flying to San Diego this evening and back there tomorrow night.

I want to thank my family and friends for one of the best birthdays I have ever had.

Love and miss you guys, A LOT!

I will get better at updating my blog and posting pics.

Talk with you soon,


This is a good candid shot of my mom laughing. It's good to see her laugh. I love you mom!!

The new Cowboy's stadium.

The Texas Rangers Ballpark

Six Flags Over Texas @ Arlington.

This is Nick...Les/Molly's dog...he is awesome!

This is Julie and ex co-workers.

This is my oldest brother, David and a few of his dogs. Cindy, is the big Bull Mastiff....great dog...just a big ol' baby... Sandy is the white one. Chigger is the other one.

Here are two of my best friends. Wayland and David.

This is my brother Les and Molly. I couldn't get a good pic of him.

This my sister in law Molly, my mom, neices Samantha and Jessica.

Tryin' To Keep Up With Blogging

This is me on the tarmac in Las Vegas. The first time I was there...I fell down on the tarmac. THAT LAST STEP IS A DOOZY.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ran "The Flying Man's" First Blog September 25, 08

Well, I am now a blogger. I just finished talking to my niece Jessica and she told me about their blog and so, I have now created one.

Not sure of what to write yet, so bare with me!

I have been living in Spring, TX for about 5 months and just survived my first hurricane. Mr. Ike came through with a vengeance and demolished Galveston. The Kemah Boardwalk was blown away.

I was without power for close to two weeks. Been staying with friends.....Got power last night Wooo Hoooo!! LET THERE BE LIGHTS....

During the time when the power was out....I was lucky enough to get two trip to Vancouver, BC. Loved it's very scenic....beautiful.

I have been with flying for Continental Airlines since April and been able to see some great places and looking forward to the days when I get to fly to Europe, South America and Asia.

I have been to most major cities in the USA a few times. Caracas Venezuela was interesting....we weren't allowed to leave the hotel for our own safety. Wouldn't choose to go there again.

Mexico City was pretty cool. Definitely would go there anytime. My favorites cities so far are Seattle and Vancouver.